September: Starting afresh and appreciating Autumn's adventures
September has always marked the opportunity to start afresh for me. Perhaps it is the newness of the school year that I always felt keenly as a child, child of a teacher, parent, teacher (new pencil cases anyone?) or perhaps it is the change of season. Gone are the lazy days of Summer and endless days walking; replaced by the need to ramp up the energy levels and get out the door as family activities, work and school return.

I always greet 1st September like a slightly over-excited Labrador with new lists and ideas. I love this but it can be exhausting and ensuring I don't end up shattered by 1st October has become important in recent years. January just doesn't have the same new start feel for me - it feels like everyone is forcing themselves to reinvent themselves in the dark, wet, cold months - very much a case of because I should not because I want to. Much better to spend Winter and Spring nurturing and caring; reinforcing good habits and being kind to myself rather than starting anything too challenging. Of course, there is nothing wrong with starting something new in January, April, July etc. It's just that September seems to provide space for me to change things around - it is when some of my best new starts have happened.
This year has been a little different as the sense of new start has been amplified by our oldest heading to university. Logical me knew this day would come - after all children don't stay 5 forever and we have had the twists and turns of applications, driving and A levels to contend with over the last couple of years. However, it is still a bit of a shock. This Summer, there were no momentous end of an era grand experiences but what there was a lower key settling into, and acceptance of, the coming change. We felt our way through our emotions and, quite frankly, the massive amounts of admin that comes with leaving home. For those of us not leaving, we will have to consider a new way of being a smaller everyday family (apparently the youngest will join me for coffee but not if I am too needy!!!)

So, I suppose it is interesting that one person's new start catalyses other new starts - kind of a new-start domino effect. Our capacity to change is amazing. Given the leaving home dimension, I feel this even more keenly this year. Also, it is my second academic year since leaping (or rather sliding) into self-employment. I have learnt a lot in the last year - both about myself and making the most of work opportunities - and I love the variety I have achieved so far! I am looking forward to building on it with exciting things happening over the coming months.
Though I am trying not to take on too much this September, on my personal to-do-list are the following:
- Build my TRE® offer - I'm losing my home in the Library due to new tenants but this has actually encouraged me to think how I might change where, when and how I deliver TRE®. I'm really excited about what is coming up over the next few months - more on this coming soon!
- Continuing with some of my highlight activities - walking, book group, yoga. As well as appreciating cosy, slower Autumn experiences - jumpers are back!
- Promoting and developing one of the most joyous hours of my week - Pool Community Chorus. We have our first mini performance this month and it is genuinely a privilege to spend time with this gorgeous group.
- More Early Years Maths Professional Development via the Maths Hub - Supporting wonderful Early Year practitioners - often the unsung heroes of the school world - to improve their Maths teaching and children's learning.
Wishing you all a Happy September. If you are starting anything new this September, why not drop a comment below?