Book club: January to June Reads

Book club: January to June Reads
Photo by Alejandro Barba / Unsplash

It's almost halfway through the year so I thought it might be a good time to share books I've read this year. All are worth exploring but I've starred my favourites (*). There is quite an eclectic mix of fiction, non-fiction, recent and older books. See if any catch your eye or imagination and share what you think, especially if there are any you have read and would recommend. You can always comment below. Happy reading! Kate x

*The Marriage Portrait by Maggie O'Farrell

*Kindred by Octavia E Butler

Stolen Focus by Johann Hari

Will by Will Smith

My Sister the Serial Killer by Oyinkan Braithwaite

Slaughterhouse 5 by Kurt Vonnegut

*The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides

Trio by William Boyd

*Weyward by Emilia Hart

*Ultra-Processed People by Chris Van Tulleken

*Just One Thing by Michael Mosley

*Dust Child by Nguyen Phan Que Mai

Perfect Circle by Benjamin Myers

*In Memoriam - Alice Winn

Restless by William Boyd

*Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver