All join in: Pool Community Chorus
- This is a copy of an article submitted to Village News (February/March 2024)
If you wander past Pool Methodist Hall on a Wednesday evening, you might just hear joyful singing, happy chatting and a fair bit of laughter. This is when the new Pool Community Chorus meets.
Set up at the beginning of November, this all-age, relaxed singing group welcomes those aged 6 to, let’s say, those who have much more life experience. We meet for an hour, 7-8pm, and sing a diverse range of songs. This term has been about all things Christmas!
We are in the early days of our sociable, high enjoyment weekly singing group - it's not focused on performance but the pure fun of using our voices (whatever they sound like) and joining together. The result is always beautiful. This term, over 30 people have attended at one time or another.
It has been lovely to see community connections develop because of the Chorus; friendships are being made and bonds formed between the generations who live in Pool (and its wider area). When the weather is miserable and dark outside, that hall is the brightest place on a Wednesday night.
I am extremely grateful to everyone who comes with enthusiasm to our sessions. I hope that it meets people where they are in their life - they come when they can, can join at any stage but there is never a pressure to commit more than they feel able.
So, if you are thinking that you would like to give Chorus a try – it might be just the thing you are looking to get involved with in the New Year - please get in touch by email: New members are always welcome!